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Results 1 - 10 of 42 (page 1 of 5)
Curious George goes to the hospital [electronic resource] / by Margret & H.A. Rey ; in collaboration with the Children's Hospital Medical Center, Boston.
New adventures of Curious George [electronic resource] / Margret and H.A. Rey ; illustrated in the style of H.A. Rey by Vipah Interactive.
A treasury of curious George [electronic resource] / Margret and H.A. Rey ; illustrated in the style of H.A. Rey by Vipah Interactive and Martha Weston.
Curious George takes a train / illustrated in the style of H.A. Rey by Martha Weston.
Margret & H.A. Rey's Curious George and the dump truck / illustrated in the style of H.A. Rey by Vipah Interactive.
Curious George makes pancakes / illustrated in the style of H.A. Rey by Vipah Interactive.
Curious George goes to the hospital, by Margret & H.A. Rey, in collaboration with the Children's Hospital Medical Center, Boston.
Curious George flies a kite. Pictures by H. A. Rey.
Curious George goes to school
Curious George visits the zoo / edited by Margret Rey and Alan J. Shalleck.

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